![]() "Map out your future, but do it in pencil." – Jon Bon Jovi Good morning. Happy Memorial Day! Before I give you the update for this week, please take a moment to remember the sacrifice our service men and women have made for this country, and specifically for you and me. If it weren't for these brave individuals, this country would be a much different place. I know that I couldn't be a soldier, so I appreciate those who are. May God bless all of them and their families. Alrighty, we are in Marion, Virginia hanging with Terry and Jill (aka Serial, Minutes - - their trail names) and Rooney, their dog. We have had quite the down week because first, it rained every day so we didn't get much else done except a lot of homework for me and a trip to the movie theater. We saw "The Avengers 3D" and loved it. I would definitely see that again. Two days ago, we picked up Terry and Jill and have been hanging out with them and enjoying hearing about their stories and how much they are loving their adventure. They are 500 miles into their trek and look great. We spent time talking about our lives and the our mutual "adventures". It's funny to see how similar our lives are right now. All of us are loving our lives right now and none of us have a clue where we will be a year or two from now. I think the above quote is the best way to describe the approach to life the four of us are taking. For me, that is a big step because I am a HUGE planner. To move forward without a real plan is quite the growing experience for me. Anyway, our visit with them has come to an end. We are depositing them back into the woods later this morning and won't see them again until July 4th week. That will be a fun time because we will be in Harpers Ferry, WV - - which is a huge civil war location and I love history - - but mostly because we will be meeting Jill's parents. Can't wait! From here we head to West Virginia for a brief stay, then on to Hocking Hills in Ohio for what I am hoping is some significant outdoor time. After that, Steve and I will be in Michigan - - well, Steve will be in Michigan and I will be in Chicago for school. The second week in June we will both be home and spending time with family and friends, which will be just super. We are also going through our annual checkups with the doctors and dentists, as well as visiting the health department to get the shots we need for our trip to Haiti in November. For those of you who missed that blog, let me explain. Steve and I have been sponsoring a child in Haiti since 2000. His name is Wilguens Dereme and he was just 5 years old when we began to sponsor him through Compassion International. He will be coming out of the program after this year so Steve and I decided to go to Haiti and visit with him and his family. We are so excited to see him, I cannot even put it into words. For the past 12 years, we have been corresponding several times a year and he feels like part of our family, even though we've never met him. I am sure there will be many many tears, but I am also sure this visit will be life-changing in a very good way. Well then, that's it for the update today. We have a couple of pics of Terry, Jill and Rooney. It was great to spend time with them but it is time to say Adios, for now. Take care everyone.
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